Thursday, September 17, 2009

Luck n Faith

luck /lʌk/ [luhk] –noun 1.the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities: With my luck I'll probably get pneumonia.

faith /feɪθ/ [feyth] –noun 1.confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability. 2.belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.

What is the difference between luck and faith? How can someone believe in luck and not believe in God? Lucky coins, lucky horseshoes, lucky numbers and even lucky underwear, yet I've never heard of a lucky bible, yes rosaries are sometimes deemed lucky(makes no fuckin sense tho) but its still luck they haile and not faith, not God. How can someone put so much faith into bullshit and not in God?
How can superstitious shit be so strong with almost no proof yet the same people tend to treat the gospel as lies? You will notice that after someone has a close call people will say "Damn you're lucky, luck must be on your side", yes sometimes you will hear an older person say "God must be on your side" and often times most folks ignore that fact, they merely remember that "yo I got really lucky that day". Isn't it absolutely ridiculous how many chances lucky tokens are given, if it doesn't work the first time people rub them and say ok its just warming up but if someone prays and doesn't get the exact results immediately they start bashing belief in God and faith, CLEARLY DUMBASS God is just warming up also.
Luck is faith, faith in bullshit, luck is simply misdirected faith. If half the amount of attention people spend on luck was spent on faith then moving mountains would be a small fete since we would be well over our quota of seeds, those little seeds that someone in the bible was told could move mountains. If you can gamble on having some lucky token save you then why not gamble on God instead, why not Gamble on someone that died for our sins(in my Religion). Don't rub you're lucky Rabbits foot, don't wear your lucky underwear, just say a prayer and if you REALLY need a reminder that God is there for you then fuck it call it you're blessed underwear and when you think of them remember its God who has your back and not the stinky piece of cotton. Take God with you everywhere as your lucky token and God will take you through it all.

ich Hasse

I HATE, I really fucking hate the games that we as humans play, I hate the fact that we both say we don't play games yet we still dance to their tune, I hate hoping you won't become just a friend, I hate how easily you've grown on me, I hate knowing I want you more than anyone else at the moment, I hate being scared to enjoy your company, I hate ignoring thoughts of you so as not to miss you, I hate having to hide how much I enjoy holding you, I hate that I am already writing about you, I hate that I'm scared to let my guard down, I hate being vulnerable, I hate being in this position again, I hate the darkness, I hate not knowing, I hate having to wonder if you really like me, I hate wondering if I really like you, I hate wondering if you're a waste of my time, I hate knowing the answers to these questions yet still doubting them. I hate the doubt created by my fear, I hate the fact that I wouldn't change any of all this even if I could, I HATE...

Sunday, February 8, 2009


It's almost like I've been here before, the fear, the paranoia, the excitement, the anticipation, the dreams but most of all the disappointment. It reminds me of that hand I couldn't fold, the hand I bet it all on... and lost.
Yes, I've been here before, I almost ran blindly down that very same street, again... but this time I can lay the hand down, I can get away from it before I put in too many chips and I'm commited to seeing it through. Thing about these hands is you want to play them, the temptation is always so strong to play our favourite hands, the hands we usually get lucky with, just toss in the chips and see if you hit the flop but the price is too high to gamble and I know that now, now I can walk away.
If I hit the flop with this hand though I stand to win it all, her heart, the happiness and the companion I crave yet every instinct is screaming that I muck it and move on, Is that the fear? ghosts in the closet? Is it really there or am I just a coward?
Something says play on, The rational mind says fold, instincts say fold, common sense says fold, the odds say fold and I'm not yet commited, I can fold, I can get away from it but will I?